Sunday, October 14, 2012

What to do when your blog views all go to zero.
this is a step by step process that you need to follow when your blogger page views all go down to zero.
Step one, do as this step by step instructions tell you
Step two, wait for google to fix it
Step 3 PPPPPAAAAANNNNIIIIICCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This is the apple ii personal computer that was released from apple in 1977, The same year that Star wars came out, If you look closely, you can see them using the apple ii on the death star. No not really but I'm sure that they had released a Star Wars game for this machine. The colorful apple on the front of the computer was used to represent the color graphics the computer could display. Most computers from this time could display only black and white or green. Later on in the 1980s Apple began releasing other advanced versions of the apple ii such as the apple ii plus, the apple ii e, and so on and so on. The apple ii series lasted for about ten years and had been discontinued in the early 1990s. By then, the Apple computer company was creating a different line of computers running under the title of "Macintosh".

Monday, October 8, 2012

1 of 3 clips from Star Trek into darkness.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Star Trek into Darkness is the name of the new Star Trek film that should hit the theaters in early 2013. Last Friday, J.J. Abrams, the Director and Producer of Star Trek into darkness, was a guest on Conan and shared 3 frames of the new Star Trek film.                  
Wouldn't the star trek the next generation movie series have been a whole lot better if the enterprise e was a galaxy class star ship.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I just bought the Playmates movie Enterprise off ebay for about $25.00. I think that the ship looks really awesome and I can't wait to see that package put on my front porch.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last October, I bought this AMT model kit. It looks cool, It comes with three star ships, and the box looks awesome! This model kit is anything but awesome. i spent about $25 on it and when I got home and took it out of the box, I realized it was going to take all night to put it together. If you look closely, you will see that it says "Snap-together" Just to tell you how snap together it was, I used about four tubes of superglue just to one star ship together, and I'm not talking about the big one. It didn't take long for the Enterprise A to get the warp pylon broke in half. Guess who needed more superglue. It took about a month for Enterprise A to get blown up to keep the klingons from getting to it and end up in the trash. The other two star ships didn't take long to end up in the garbage scow along with the Enterprise A. My personal opinion is AMT makes some of the cheapest most worthless model kits in the history of the world. Cave children played with stronger things than this.