Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hi, I'm billcrusher4. This is my first post on the blog and so I just want to describe to you what this blog is going to be about, so LISTEN UP! My posts are going to be about things that I take an interest in, for example, Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, Batman, video games, computers, that sort of stuff. If you find something that you like, please leave a comment. But the comment box on this website is not the bathroom door at school, meaning keep your comments clean. If you couldn't say it to your mother, please do not post it here. Please try to keep things as Christian as possible.

Also, this site is not for gossip, If you want to talk about someone behind their back, do it on Twitter or facebook but not here.

That is just some common sense things for you to think about while you are here. I look forward to making future posts and hearing what you think about them. by.

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